Brain Activities For Dementia Patients

Creating A Memory Box

Dementia: Can your brain keep up with the game?

One of the games for dementia patients could be to create a memory box. They can put anything, from photos to newspaper cutting and anything absurd that may hold some significant value for them.

Memory boxes can help the patients feel connected to their past. Every person has a different story to tell and these memory boxes can be the start of some great storytelling, talking and celebrating the past and the old memories that they love.

Activities Must Be Stimulating

It’s important that dementia patients stay active physically and mentally as much as they are able. This is why youll want to choose activities that stimulate your loved one’s mind and senses.

A great way to do this is to keep an eye out for things that your loved one loves to do or things that they enjoyed in the past. For example, if they had always owned a dog, they may find pleasure in having a stuffed dog to pet and care for.

Engage your loved one in conversation. If they’re unable to respond, you can give them a play-by-play account of what you are doing. For example, talk with them about the steps you’re taking to prepare the meal or describe the dish you are drying. Even if the person is unable to respond, they will benefit from hearing your voice.

Encourage your loved one to be involved in daily life, with activities such as setting the table or folding laundry. This will help them feel a sense of accomplishment and success.

Are you considering memory care for your loved one who is suffering from dementia? Senior Services of America can help. Our years of experience and extensive knowledge direct you to the senior community that will best meet the unique needs of your loved one.

Ten Brain Exercises For Dementia

Dementia is a type of brain disorder that mostly affects older adults. While its causes are still unknown, brain exercises can help keep an older adult sharp and wise. The rate of dementia increases with age, and there are no medical treatments that can cure it completely. In addition to decreased memory capacity, dementia comes with many different issues that include Sundowners Syndrome, delusions, and hallucinations.

But, if you do some physical and mental exercises, this could help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimers Disease, or at least delay or reduce its impact. Regardless, memory exercises can do no harm. Exercise helps you to stay fit by reducing your stress, B.P, cholesterol, etc. Mental exercises increase the blood circulation in the brain, which develops a chemical that protects the brain and reduces the chance of mental disorder.

Our brain has many parts, and each part plays a different roledepending on the situation likerecall a memory, judgment, movement, etc. Whenone particular portion gets damaged, then it causes an abnormality. It caneasily be seen in our behavior. Research shows that brain exercisesimprove the thinking capacity of people having dementia and reduce the level ofcognitive and functional decline.

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Word Games Or Board Games

There are a lot of games for dementia patients specially made for them to enjoy and play in their free time. These games keep the minds of the patients active and their thinking skills are less likely to decline. Spending time playing a board game can be calming and even help in managing blood pressure levels.

Many seniors face problems with hand dexterity and problem-solving skills in the advanced stages. These games help with these problems and improve memory of the dementia patients. You can check out some of the word and board games for dementia patients here.

Adverse Effects Of Exercise

Printable Dementia Activities

Advocating for an intervention should be balanced against possible adverse effects. Exercise may result in orthopedic injuries, increase fall risk, and provoke acute coronary syndromes. Thus, physicians should help patients select exercise programs compatible with their capabilities and cardiopulmonary status. In general, people who have been sedentary for an extended time should begin an exercise program with modest exercise targets, but escalating as fitness is progressively achieved.

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Can Brain Exercises Help Delay Memory Loss Or Dementia

When people keep their minds active, their thinking skills are less likely to decline, medical research shows. So games, puzzles, and other types of brain training may help slow memory loss and other mental problems.

One study involved more than 2,800 adults 65 and older. They went to up to 10 hour-long brain-training sessions for 5 to 6 weeks. The sessions focused on tactics for these skills:

  • Speed of processing information

People who took the training showed improvement in these skills that lasted for at least 5 years. They also improved at everyday tasks, such as the ability to manage money and do housework.

But what about prevention of Alzheimer’s and other dementias? Does brain training help?

One study found that exercising the mind delayed declines in thinking skills. After people started having Alzheimer’s symptoms, though, mental decline sped up in those who kept their minds engaged. It’s possible that being mentally active bolstered the brain at first, so symptoms didn’t show up until later.

The silver lining here? People who regularly challenge their minds may spend a shorter part of their lives in a state of decline, even if they do get Alzheimer’s.

Senior Services Of America Offers Resident

Whether you are currently looking for memory care for a loved one or are preparing for the future, Senior Services of America is ready to assist you.

Our senior living facilities range from independent living communities to memory care facilities. Our goal is to support you and your loved ones unique needs in any way we can.

Senior Services of America is here to be part of your care team in your loved ones journey. Find your nearest community to see how we can assist you with navigating this important part of life.

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Exercise And Hippocampal Neurogenesis In Humans

The hippocampus is crucial for memory and progressively degenerates in patients with AD, an effect already apparent in the earliest stages of dementia .63 The hippocampal dentate gyrus is also the region most vulnerable to aging.64 However, this region is one of the few brain regions that supports neurogenesis, and dentate gyrus neurogenesis is significantly facilitated by exercise in animal studies, as previously mentioned.50,5254,65

Regional hippocampal dentate gyrus blood volume can be measured with brain MRI, and this was shown to be a neurogenesis biomarker in mice.65 Extending this to humans in a small, prospective, uncontrolled trial of young adults, 3 months of aerobic exercise resulted in significantly increased hippocampal dentate gyrus blood volume over baseline other hippocampal regions were unchanged.65 This was interpreted as reflective of dentate gyrus angiogenesis and hence neurogenesis. It was associated with mildly improved cognitive scores. Fitness, as measured by peak , significantly correlated with individual differences in dentate gyrus blood volume.65

Top Activities For People With Dementia

Brain & Memory Exercises for Alzheimer’s, Cognitive Impairment, Dementia

Dementia is a complex disease that affects the mind and body. It robs people of their memories, sense of self, and eventually life. However, there is still hope for those with dementia through various therapies.

Many activities can help improve the quality of life for those with dementia: from cognitive exercises like reading or puzzles to sensory exercises like knitting or crafts. People with dementia need as much stimulation as anyone else for both therapeutic purposes and improving their quality of life.

Weve put together a great list of activities you can perform with people who have Alzheimers or other forms of dementia that can be as fun as they are beneficial.

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Utilize Soft Textures In Their Room

Including soft textures in a dementia patients living space can help them feel calm and safe. Often they will become agitated when their environment is too loud, bright, or chaotic. Putting some soft items into their room- like a thick rug, cozy blanket, or even just some plants- can make all the difference.

What Types Of Games Are Good For Seniors With Dementia

There are many types of games that are good for seniors with dementia. Some of the best include board games, card games, puzzles, and even video games.

Board games can be a fun way to keep seniors engaged. Card and video games can also be very entertaining for seniors with dementia while keeping them mentally stimulated.

For seniors who prefer solitary games, puzzles can be an excellent way for seniors to exercise their minds and hands.

Ill show you some specific examples for each type later in this article.

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What Is The Right Amount Of Activity In The Early To Middle Stages Of Dementia

There is no definitive answer to this question and the right amount of exercise will vary from person to person. The Department of Health recommends 150 minutes of moderately strenuous physical activity per week. This equates to 30 minutes of activity per day, for at least five days a week. This can be broken up into shorter sessions throughout the day, with each session lasting a minimum of 10 minutes. For example, it could be a 15-minute walk to the local shops, and then housework or gardening tasks in the afternoon.

Include Enjoyable Sensory Experiences

Printable Word Games For Dementia Patients : Printable Word Games For ...

Some sensory experiences that the person with dementia might like include:

  • enjoying a hand, neck or foot massage
  • brushing their hair
  • smelling fresh flowers or pot pourri
  • using essential oils and fragrances
  • stroking an animal or differently textured materials
  • visiting a herb farm or a flower show
  • rummaging in a box containing things that the person has been interested in.

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How To Engage In Activities For People With Dementia

Activities for people with dementia may need to be closely monitored to accommodate a waning attention span, higher frustration levels, and cognitive concerns. These tips should help:

  • Demonstrate and participate. By showing the activities to the person with dementia, you can make it easier and more natural for them to participate.
  • When youre providing instructions, focus on one easy step at a time. Make sure to provide loving guidance and dont expect strict adherence to the directions you provide.
  • Encourage your person to express themselves. Encourage them to sing, converse, draw or write letters, even if the result is confusing for you. If it brings happiness, its worth the effort.
  • Adjust your expectations. Being flexible and avoiding rigid expectations can help prevent frustration.
  • Skip unnecessary corrections. When doing activities with people with dementia, its best to focus on the enjoyment theyre having and skip any critique that may come to mind.
  • If you notice your loved one getting frustrated, end or modify the activity. You can always take a break and try again later.
  • Enjoy the process. Keeping a positive demeanor can help the person with dementia engage better with you and the activity.

The best activities for dementia patients vary greatly based on their unique circumstances, likes, and the progression of their disease. We recommend that you try a variety of different activities to determine what they will enjoy the most.

Folding Laundry And Socks

Another activity that can help with dexterity is folding laundry or socks. This task requires fine motor skills, which are often severely impaired in dementia patients, but it also helps boost their mood and gives them a sense of purpose while allowing them to clean their own space and feel accomplished.

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Putting Together A Puzzle

It is not right to mention group activities for dementia patients without including puzzles. It is a perfect in-door activity that also helps to exercise the brain.

This stimulates the right side of the brain responsible for intuitive thought and creativity as well as the left side that handles order and logic.

Be careful when choosing the puzzles so that you do not get one that will end up frustrating the participants.

Look for simple ones preferably with large pieces that they can complete without too much trouble.

Memory Games With Cards Or Blocks

Caregiver Training: Sundowning | UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program

Many memory games require the user to find matching cards or blocks, which can be challenging for those with severe dementia. Still, patients with dementia can benefit significantly from such games early on. Simple ones like wooden jigsaws are fun and engaging while working on cognitive skills like problem-solving.

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Activities Can Give Relaxation And Pleasure

A person with dementia may enjoy an outing, even if they do not remember where they have been. What is important is that the moment is enjoyed, even though the experience may be soon forgotten.Simple and unhurried activities are best. Give the time and space necessary to allow the person to do as much as possible. Focus on one thing at a time. Communicate one instruction at a time. Break down activities into simple, manageable steps.

Crochet Knitting Or Other Crafts

Did your loved ones once love to crochet or knit before the onset of dementia or Alzheimers? Try placing their knitting needles and ball of yarn in their handsit might just trigger a memory or even muscle memory. Yes, muscle memory is a real thing, and we have marveled at its effectiveness in memory patients.

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B How Do Games Help Dementia Patients

One of the most common symptoms suffered by dementia patients is isolation and pulling back from social settings. This is mainly due to the fear of being judged on their inability to perform the daily tasks. This affects their communication skills with other people.

To help with this, patients could engage in games for dementia patients that are stage-specific and enhance their mental stimulation as well as sensory stimulation. It could help in improving brain health and allow dementia-affected patients to interact with their other patients more easily.

Care providers for dementia patients can play games with them to help stimulate their cognitive function. Research shows that these games therapies have a better effect on the cognitive skills of dementia patients compared to other treatment procedures.

Games for dementia patients also help reduce stress and preserve memory-based skills that could help the patients in the long run.

Even though it is just a game, it really helps in keeping the patients positive and happy at the same time. It is very difficult for the loved ones of the patients to gradually see them lose their memory. Playing games for dementia patients can keep the environment cheerful and stress-free for everyone.

Outdoor Activities For Dementia Patients

Printable Dementia Activities

  • Visit a therapeutic garden. These provide walking paths, bird feeders accessible to those in wheelchairs, and sturdy furniture for older adults. Gardens provide a safe environment to reconnect with nature, get a little exercise and absorb some vitamin D. Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease, AARP Twitter: @AARP
  • Start a simple garden. Gardening provides a little physical activity. It allows seniors with dementia to grow and eat their fruits and vegetables. Used raised beds, so seniors dont have to bend over. The beds should be narrow to prevent too much reaching, the pathway should be broad and clear of any debris. Make sure there are some benches and chairs available to sit and relax. Outdoor Activities for Seniors with Dementia 7 Fun Ideas, Applewood Our House Twitter: @ApplewoodHome
  • Visit a fruit farm. If you live in an area with lots of local agriculture, you might be able to take advantage of pick-your-own fruit farms. Picking your own fruit whether those fruits are apples, strawberries, raspberries, or another variety offers the benefits of exercise, the outdoor, and stocking up on healthy foods. Outdoor Activities for Seniors & Caregivers, Visiting Angels Twitter: @_VisitingAngels
  • Also Check: How To Tell Dementia From Alzheimer’s

    Other Beneficial Effects Of Exercise

    Numerous noncognitive, nonvascular benefits additionally benefit from exercise, which may be especially relevant to an aging population. This includes reduction of osteoporosis and fracture risk,118 age-related sarcopenia,119 and benefits directed at depression120 and anxiety.121 An exercise program may improve behavioral management in seniors with dementia122 and fall risk.123 Importantly, long-term physical activity and fitness reduce mortality risk in the general population.117,124

    Games Puzzles And Around The Home Activities For Dementia Patients

  • Listen to music. A universally soothing activity, listening to music from their past will help them remember the good times associated with the music. Not sure how music ties into memory? Just think do you remember how you learned the alphabet? 15 Best Activities for Alzheimers Patients at Home, By Your Side Home Care Twitter: @ByYourSideHmCre
  • Sort and match up nuts and bolts, or tighten screws. Was your loved one the fixer, the handyman, or the go-to guy? Maybe hed like to sort through and match up nuts and bolts, or tighten screws into pieces of wood. Perhaps hed like to connect smaller PVC pipes together. There are also activity boards with lots of to do things attached that you can purchase. – Esther Heerema, MSW, Creative Activities Ideas for People with Dementia, Verywell Health Twitter: @Verywell
  • Create a memory bag. Fill the bag with items reminiscent of their late teens/early twenties. Scented products work well for this, as scents are strongly tied to memory. Try including soap, perfumes and aftershave, or holiday scents like gingerbread, pine and peppermint. Activities for Dementia Patients, A Place for Mom Twitter: @APlaceforMom
  • Help with clean-up around the home. Instead of automatically tidying up the home, encourage dementia patients to assist with the clean-up. Doing so may increase their sense of purpose. 10 Activities for People Living with Dementia or Alzheimers Disease, Compassionate Care
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